Dewage Ex Machina

dew'-age ex mach-i'-na n. compound, archaic
an opinion, statement or treatise
- spewing as a rant, speech or incitement from the internet
- as the result of an intermittant explosive disorder
- in an ineffectual effort
- to right an apparent or perceived wrong, injustice or disservice.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Plan 'B'

Let's see, China burning four times the coal they do now to raise themselves to our western standards or radiation sickness from the unregulated emissions of their nuclear power plants. Tough call.

I go back and forth on this. The thing that sets me off is someone saying, "Global Warming will wipe out humanity." Okaaay, if that's true than anything that wipes out less than all humanity is ... better? Yes, it has to be. So a toxic, radioactive stew that limits human lifespan to 30 years IS technically better than "wiping out humanity."

There is another solution. I call it, "Plan B". Plan B will be the result of a long journey, of course how long depends on how short the plank is. But when we get there, we'll look around, slap our foreheads and say, "Of course! Why didn't we do this YEARS ago! It would be all over now and we could be drinking mojitos at the beach!"

But as I've been saying about the Iraq War, we can't win until the Left let's us win. As soon as the Left loses their lattes to jihadi curfews, the base history of socialism shows that it will do what it does best: Implement forced solutions with totalitarian authority. When that happens, we'll admit that the real problem is too many humans and use the blunt instruments we've been whistling past the graveyard for the last 60 years, resort to our basest animal instints, and kill off the rest of the world so that 'humanity', America, and socialism will survive. "It sucks to be you," will become a popular bumper sticker.

The biggest regret will be that we stewed ourselves for as long as we did before we turned up the heat.



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